four loko


so we’re gonna blame the car and not the driver right?

i preferred the guys on nbcsn, watched every race on NBCSN (Dvr’d). you can even stream a replay about 6 hours later

ppl are too stupid to know that their daytime auto headlights dont turn on the tail lights, yet they can kinda see at night with them. if you flash your lights at them long enough they figure it out

found m8 windtunnel

ford, porsche, corvette, ferarri all have the same weight, boost/restrictor as the last race of the year. maybe ford worked harder than everyone else over the break.

they can’t even make a car that car be competitive without being below the base bop weight

if you live in the UK its called a “Chune up”

3 engines and a 10 speed= 6 combos?

bbbbut trumpf just called 2 countries shitholes (sarcastic tone)

Mudslide-induced understeer

where did this 8 speed come from? i thought GM was giving ford a 9 spd transaxle for the 10 speed.

do they make min wage?

the interesting part will be the 10 speed will utilize more gears in the diesel due to ~1/2 the rpm range. 10 speed will have short drops in wheel torque between gears rather than huge cliffs.

ketchup biggot

it wasnt stolen it was just redistributed to those who have no fsae car

yes, i drive very eco-y and average 6mpg better than what my car is rated at for combined mpg. #2006


how about iDRS (inverse drs), allows the front wing to make more downforce by increasing the angle when within a certain gap (under braking)

id trust an aluminum bear cage over a carbon fiber one. bear would probably chew right through it