I am wolf

And hints about what I said - about it not being a true "hybrid" - have been scattered all over since the Ninth Doctor - in "Dalek" - "We are the same" (sending the Doctor into a blind rage) …. in another episode, we have "You would make a good Dalek". I'm sure there's probably more.

It does illustrate well his deteriorating mental condition; it's the only way I can swallow Missy. He's just _that_ messed up.

It's not canon; it's been retconned out.

I think he means they got the prophecy wrong - it's not a "hybrid", but a Time Lord that _acts_ like a Dalek.

Actually, it reminded me more of The Dark Tower.

Want to talk about discrimination? Ok. Let me ask this:

Don't worry, pretty soon everything we see and hear will be nothing but stuff with diverse casts that make no sense, that are just vehicles for leftist ideological propaganda. Hell, most new stuff is that already.

What's wrong with slut-shaming? Sluts and whores, men and women who
sleep around (whether for money or not) with multiple partners are the
biggest disease vectors known to mankind.