“Floyd’s an unapologetic abuser of women and the Internal Revenue Service, while Conor is a racist dipshit”
“Floyd’s an unapologetic abuser of women and the Internal Revenue Service, while Conor is a racist dipshit”
This was a dominant tournament, no question. And it’s tempting to run right to the GOAT talk. But is hard to ignore that his main contemporary rival has a 23-14 all time record against him. He also is down in the all time series against Djoker but I’ll give that a little less weight. Tough to be the GOAT when someone…
This trend of not wearing socks in shoes needs to end. It’s disgusting, sweaty, smelly, ruins shoes, and nobody wants to see your man-ankles poking out underneath your tight-rolled skinny jeans. Unless you’re actually wading in water or on a sailboat you just identify yourself as a disgusting idiot.
The scare quotes around victims are kind of shitty. Just because these people were cheaters doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck to have your identity stolen.
Can we PLEASE stop idolizing the “celebrity post baby bod”? Most women aren’t supposed to exercise until 6 weeks. Many can’t for longer. For fucks sake, I could barely SIT without pain for 4 weeks. Your uterus is still shrinking regardless of how big you got and it takes time. Why do you think she waited?
Great setup, even better joke.
Shit, that was Rocky II.
This almost happened in a bout in 1979, let me see if I can find it on YouTube. Great fight.
Funny that Mayweather goes to “fa**ot”, but clearly McGregor has been told/schooled/threatened to not go anywhere near “wife beater/domestic violence/”the-last-person-you-knocked-out-was-7-years-ago-and-it-was-your-girlfriend”
There are no good guys in this fight. one racist; one convicted woman beater. Don’t give those losers your money.
Go ask a White House correspondent.
This has turned into the fight equivalent of a Limp Bizkit song.
Ones a racist ones a woman beater.
It’s an epic battle of one-downsmanship!
This is like watching a celebrity roast where the celebrity in question is Human Dignity.
The press tour is a disaster.