Yea, Bioshock had the same problem. Plus now SecurRom garbage can’t even install on Windows 10 so my retail Bioshock is effectively useless. Games For Windows. Just not new Windows.
Yea, Bioshock had the same problem. Plus now SecurRom garbage can’t even install on Windows 10 so my retail Bioshock is effectively useless. Games For Windows. Just not new Windows.
I think if I spent thousands of hours making a game, I’d code it so every NPC the illegal downloader passed flipped change at my character (even bosses), while they muttered things like “poor guy”, “here, buy yourself something to eat”, “sorry you are so hard up, don’t worry, things will probably pick up for you in…
I don’t pirate games, but this makes me want to pirate this game.
God Desmond Miles was terrible, just....terrible, then Ubisoft tried their DAMNEST to make you feel sorry/miss him. No, he’s fucking terrible.
There you go!