What about feet?
What about feet?
It’s actually more anoying when articles treats well known celebrities as if their readers/viewers have no idea who they are. Kind of like when cable news talk to their viewers as if they were all old parents who are trying to learn what the “young ones” like.
It’s okay, they’ll just raise the price in every other regions.
He is an unapologetic capitalist so expect some shenanigans down the road, mobile players.
Or buy them some regular ~100$ boots and a can of spray paint.
Heh, all features I either have no use for or that any cell phone can already do.
Sometimes (most of the time), the ESRB and other rating organisations don’t make any sense.
Have you ever taken a look at the news section on the Switch? Every time they make a listing a game to try (buy) based on a theme (games with swords for example) or whatever, it’s always an excuse to fit in 3-4 of their games. IMO, they market their games pretty hard.
2020 counts for 2 years.
oh stop crying, you guys are the only country in the world that didn’t get a video game price increase in like 20 years.
Voting with your wallet never really worked. Or else the US would have cheap healthcare already.
Under 10 hours of use is poor, especially when the competition can last up to 40 hours (had to only charge my Switch pro controller twice while clearing BOTLW and Xenoblade Chronicle 2, both are 80-85 hours games). It doesn’t matter if you’re playing solo since as the article says, you can always use a long USB cable…
What happens when at energy shield hit another energy shield?
Every time you mention Metroid Prime 4, it means it’ll come out in 3 years.
I’d love to know where I can sell a kidney for $50k.
I’d also like the paycheck to buy them.
“Don’t give kids car” is probably the best advice. It’s like a phone. If you want one, go find work, make money and make your own mistakes with your own money. Best lesson I learned.
Maybe it studied posts like this article.
“I think people always have a positive or negative response to something they’re not used to seeing, and that’s completely okay because that’s the way we incite change,” Ballinska told The Verge.
Sooo, Marvel snap players are sore losers. Is “GG” a slur as well?