
Hey, a lot of fun can be had from a FWD car with studded snow tires. All you need is just enough snow pilled up in a car lot to pull some nice corner drift. You can’t hold a drift but you can at least feel like a rally racer in slow motion for a little while (=. And the car is safe to drive when the road is slipery

How to make something bad acceptable? Make something even worst. They’ll just revert back to loot boxes and people will be like: “Oh it ain’t that bad anymore, surprise mechanics are great!”

The game was starting to run a little too well on modern PCs. Something had to be done.

Having developped a VR game myself on PC and PSVR, there are many people who are very sensitive to motion sickness and the slightess thing can trigger it even with the best conditions and headset. Positioning movements (lateral are worse), rotation movements added on top of the user’s head rotation, FOV (smaller is

A few days? They released a huge article with a paragraph from every staff member at the end of the day. But yes, people are saying shit about kotaku being the last to talk about it.

Is that true? Got any sources for that?

I see what you did there and I can’t even fix it.

They always release lower tier cards a couple months later. That 4080 just made it confusing since both 4080s had pretty different specs.

Even with vive trackers, the tracking is way too good. You can only achieve this with professional full body suits. Those things cost over 5k$ each and that is not counting the rest of the equipment required like cameras.

It’s really as if those people are discovering video games for the first time.

As long as you go to the confessional before you die, you can pretty much do whatever you want.

It was indeed only coorless because technically, it was plugged in the whole time to the generator.

Price tourism, the scummy practice where people spoof their location so as to take advantage of emerging economies in the poorest parts of the world, isn’t exactly looked fondly upon by the games industry.

Nissan also said it would be selling its Russia business for one Euro, which is currently worth 98 cents. In its release, Nissan says the loss it is taking is “extraordinary,” no less than four times, which is accounting-speak for “sorry everyone this is a weird one.”

Going mobile was the only way this kind of game could ever have some audience. The battle royal and arena shooter genres were saturated even more in 2-3 years than the MOBA genre ever was.

So according to Square Enix, do they have one single game that performed as expected in recent years?

No king rules forever my son.

It’s done, the Metaverse is fixed. You can now start using it.

If the old logo looked like a hotel logo, now the new one looks like an intelligent water bottle logo.

Where did the ps5 comparison come from? At least, use something that is actually the same size like the Xbox Series S (which is already pretty big for a GPU).