
Bandai Namco will be selling the latest version for $40.

Many games shows the time played somewhere in the game or you can see it on Steam or sometimes somewhere on console ui. This guy is just spending more than average time. Though the completionist time is for 100% so the times for that are all over the place, especially since it’ll include both players who play with and

Even if it’s not competitive, it sucks when you’re put at a greater disaventage just because a player left early. If you leave, it’s because real life happened and you need to leave, not because you want to get into another game quicker.

Those look pretty cool but aren’t street legal.

or walk into a GameStop and say things like, “Is it too late to pre-order The DioField Chronicle?” Uh, sorry kid, we’re not that kind of store. Try the pharmacy down the street.

Where I live in Québec, it’s because of bad behaviors like this that we’re so limited in term of trails near the city.

Hopefully indeed. If most governments move on with their laws for 2035 and the technology and infrastructure isn’t there yet, the vehicle industry is going to suck for a couple years.

Every time they announce a game on that retro game service, my first reaction is always: Why wasn’t it already on it?

But even when drunk. Was it a tall pickup truck? How big was the BBQ?

A few minutes later, a couple of dudes on four-stroke dirtbikes went tearing by, braaaping exhausts echoing off the birch trees and absolutely shattering the calm.

Dellorfano said the police told him someone left a hot grill under a car with carbon and that the car caught on fire which passed to the other cars.

And that begs the question, who the heck is going to buy this tent when it ships in November?

That charger can give you anywhere between 18 to 28 miles per hour. But again, depending on where you live, it’s going to cost you between $500 to $1,200.

Does this look like people mourning to you?

It’s not like people working in those kinds of job have a lot to lose in the first place. It’s like leaks coming from game testers. That’s what you get for just hiring contract students only for a couple months every time.

It’ll be the NFT game.

We learned that exploiting rare materials is a good way to make money at least.

A new accelerometer — the component in electronics that detects motion — can now register up to 256 Gs.