
Oh my god. I’d definitely heard offhand gross comments before then (usually from my own aunt, because she’s cray) but I’m glad I didn’t experience anything firsthand until my early teens. I’ve also looked the same for the last fifteen years - when I was fourteen, I played twenty in a play. I’m twenty-nine now and I

From my wonderful grasp of Arabic I hear the killers say praise Allah. I can also imagine the victims screaming Allah save us. I’m really confused! Who does Allah help?

Can someone be placed under psychiatric observation based on a picture? Someone needs to take hold of that woman and pull her back into the firm embrace of reality.

Hell, Sanders TRIED to talk to them right there on stage at the rally but they wouldn’t stop screaming or let him anywhere near the microphone. This whole idiotic display was just political theater from people who have no interest in actually starting a conversation, just being the most outraged person in the room.

Unfortunately, McKesson has done a lot of work in school privatization, which is the furthest thing any teacher should want.

Yeah, I was gonna say that. I think Sanders growing stature is exactly WHY they targeted him. Unless there were similar protests against Lincoln Chaffee and Jim Webb that I missed.

You just opened my eyes even further about this whole issue. Ever since the disruption at the Bernie rally in Seattle, shit hasn’t sat well in me. Like, something isn’t right. Then I discovered and re-discovered Adolph Reed, and have seen clearly about this issue. You have definitely brought

The same evidence he has for proclaiming the Sanders fiasco a “big success” for the BLM movement, as opposed to the shark-jumping moment everyone here in reality regards it as.

Yes, this is a totally made up, nonsensical, non-factual claim. The weird thing is that its completely irrelevant to the main points Howard was trying ot make in the article. He didn’t need to say this — the rest of the article would still have been just fine. That he felt he could just flippantly throw out some total

I read that line and almost had a stroke. The level of insanity needed to write and believe that is mind boggling.

That’s what I came here to say. Sanders was consistently drawing larger crowds than some BLM rallies (he certainly did in my city), so it could be argued, he blew them up.

“It is great news.” “All moves toward equity in employment opportunity are great, both symbolic and structural.” And yet I need to make my complainy-voice known on this internet forum, because the president of all Americans should’ve done this like sooner.

We can’t possibly have the sort of people who watch morning TV know that there’s anything unpleasant happening in this country! They’re just trying to get through the day, you know? That’s why Matt and Savannah and Al and Carson and the gang, who are all your personal friends which is why you’re on a first-name basis

You know what, on the face of it this story makes me very sad. Her last days were just filled with terror and rape. But what I have learned from the many cop supporters on Gawker is that you can never take a story at face value. She could have been a willing bride and those were not rapes but sex between a married

This is tragic ... I have gotten to the point where I pretty much assume any female that falls into their hands is going to suffer this same fate. These ‘men’ are animalized fucking pigs. Disgusting.