
So, a domestic violence victim is manipulated by her abuser into believing that he really loves her. Is anyone surprised?

This is why Florida law does not require the victim to press charges to prosecute anyway.

So I wonder if Joe Sample political science major at FSU would be cleared without a trial if the following evidence was present.

" few minutes later he watched as the female and Winston removed their own clothing and climbed on the bed and began to engage in sexual activity. Casher stated he went into the room to see if the female would engage in sexual activity with him as well (as has happened with other females he and Winston have brought

Yeah, this was pretty much a foregone conclusion. Of course he's not getting charged, he was never getting charged. He's also never going to have to explain how his DNA got inside her, legions of rabid football fans will just assume she's some slut who thought it would be fun to go through the ordeal of accusing a

In many states, anytime you ingest alcohol you lose your ability to give consent to sexual contact, regardless of how drunk you may feel. DNA should have been enough. Then again, this is Florida (and Florida State football at stake). I'm not surprised.

The key evidence is that he will probably A) win the Heisman Trophy and B) play for the national championship. Everything else is details in Florida. He could get caught on video eating a live human fetus and the defense would argue that he throws a really tight spiral.

A few things to consider regarding the now closed Jameis Winston case:

Florida: Where justice goes to die.

For those of you who missed the State Attorney's awkward and disturbing press conference, he will be appearing in two shows tonight at the Capital City Comedy Club. It's a six drink minimum, but you won't be charged.

Steubenville, OH has something to say about you calling out the South

Thank goodness he can now peacefully go on raping his way through life. Whew...I almost thought justice would prevail! The travesty it would have been!!

A man gets away with rape?

Remember, football is always more important than rape. Especially in Florida... ugh


"He would have had my Heisman vote either way"

According to most Alcohol Edu classes, being drunk enough to not remember things is not giving consent, EVEN if you say "yes"

Florida- The state that allows white people to shoot blacks as long as you claim self defense and black guys to rape whoever they want as long as they are good at football.

"Her next memory is the suspect dressing her then putting her on a black scooter"