Fostering kittens for my sins

There are people who say “you can’t judge a book by the cover”

This whole article feels kinda victim-blamey to me.

Welp, I made the mistake of clicking the links and reading more about the story. The kid apparently stomped on the cat and threw her up in the air so hard that she died. Then the other 7 people in the family beat the shit out of the lady until bystanders pulled them off her. 

Probably? I can’t be bothered to try to suss out what the fuck is going on in their heads anymore. After the mask shit, jan 6th and fucking everything regarding race and immigration, i’m fucking done.

I think it another factor is that women are more willing to face the logistical nightmare of getting a vaccine appointment in many states. I know my husband would probably have thrown up his hands at the state vaccine “appointment marketplace.” I was the one to keep up to date on when he was eligible, sign up for the

I guess Kavanaugh's Federalist Society paymasters must have figured out that the school-to-prison pipeline could be made much more profitable by eliminating the school part.

Don’t you dare insult possums by comparing them to brett kavanaugh.

The judge in the case is now saying this could be grounds for appeal.

Or this.

I didn’t vote for him...

I’m pretty sure that’s Tomato. Has to be. It’s a caricature of an account. 


Strong “how do you do, fellow kids?” energy in this post.

A similar transaction occurred with at least one other woman, whom Greenberg paid using his government-issued credit card, the Beast reports—that is, with taxpayer dollars. Seminole County auditors reportedly found some $300,000 in suspicious payments on the card.

Man, oh man, is this thing going downhill in a hurry. If I was Gaetz, and Thank Christ I’m not, I think I’d strong consider hanging myself this evening. Lord knows he’s not the first politician to, ahem, “send out for hookers” (nor will he be the last), but Jesus Christ, Dumbass - you’re not supposed to a) dip into

NO evidence, chocolate? I present you with Exhibit A.

“I’m not here to provide any degree of evidence in support of Congressman Gaetz, only to discredit these baseless allegations,”

And you don’t think Amazon’s fingerprints and lobbying money are all over the laws that let them get away with this shit????

One has to wonder how much Amazon pays for lobbying and political effforts (to both parties, to be sure) to keep the status quo.

They’re following laws they’ve functionally bribed lawmakers to gut, though. They blame lawmakers in exactly this fashion precisely to obscure the fact that those lawmakers are doing what they were paid, BY AMAZON (and others), to do.