Fostering kittens for my sins

The argument is that it takes about two decades for a violent criminal to grow into the role from a neglected/abused/unwanted child.

According to the Freakonomics guys (now unfortunately property of the Koch brothers), the crime rate drop was based on legalized abortion and general availability of contraceptives. I would submit that based on other studies there was also a helpful effect from eliminating lead in paint and gasoline.

It’s in a sort of paramilitary dialect. “Wall” becomes a substance/commodity for purposes of grammar. It almost makes sense if you need several million meters of something, but it’s really just what happens when someone with an AA in “Criminal Justice” attempts to sound educated, technical, or competent. And, their

With rehearsals and such, it’s probably closer to at least a full week. Still generous, but well under a million dollars a year ($750-$800K, depending on how you count time off). Which is a lot less than the usual fee charged by entertainers that you’ve heard of.

You are entirely right. But Twitter is definitely running up against a bit of a power imbalance with a notoriously petty and vengeful Chief Executive who has broad discretionary powers over every regulatory agency that they deal with (SEC, IRS, FTC, FCC, etc.).  POTUS isn’t just another talking head.

40% of American households can’t come up with $400 on short notice.

VA covers the TBIs. They aren’t part of DoD. They also don’t do their job and can’t be bothered to fix their mistakes:

As a practicing tea snob, it’s fine. Hot water is hot water.  Temperature control is a little more iffy than with a good electric kettle, but a decent kitchen thermometer will fix that easily enough.

He took your cat for the express purpose of hurting you.  It would seem that the time for talking is *over*.

I’ve noticed that I have to keep the cats inside on anything over 60 or they start coughing. The EPA actually shut down their air monitoring website when the coal guy took over from Pruitt, but it’s come back online in the past couple of weeks.

There is also the minor matter of the enormous power imbalance. The President of the United States is nominally in charge of a large number of three-letter agencies that could make Twitter’s corporate existence extremely miserable if their regulatory powers were used vindictively.

Wouldn’t it be more of a news story if somebody got benefits on time? The VA systemically lies. The VA systemically withholds necessary documents.  The VA systemically sticks every veteran making a claim in a perpetual appeals process that takes an average of 8-10 *years* to resolve.  There is nothing functional going

Then Merrick Garland could have taken her place?

The answer to all of your questions is Florida Man.

One of the stranger ripple effects of this is that we’re breeding the poor and desperate. It locks in multigenerational poverty creating a permanent serf underclass. Which I guess is the idea.

Whatever Goldman Sachs pays Heidi to sleep with that guy, it isn’t enough.

“You are all *weirdos*.”

I think that it would have been fairly inconvenient to buy a condo every time that I moved when I was singleThe real problem is that government listens to business when they whine about regulations, as if the regs were pulled up out of nowhere instead of in response to some concrete problem that will immediately

US government travel rules are pretty much the same. You get a tax-free allowance per day based on the area you’re working in.

All this needs to achieve perfection are the words “overcooked and smothered in ketchup”.