Fostering kittens for my sins

I’ve read it. I understand it as the insane ramblings of an aristocracy in the midst of its own suicide. Or maybe strong evidence that nepotism is a terrible basis for a system of government. At no point would I quote it, for I find it distasteful.

I would appreciate it if you would not mention PETA as a credible animal rights group. Or at all.

It’s Pennsylvania. They had judges selling children to private detention centers.

They need the money.

It is *sort of* like how things went with Rob Ford, except that in Kentucky, it’s the constituents that are on drugs.

You don’t take what’s not yours and give it to somebody else. That doesn’t make sense to us out here. To me, it’s theft.”

From a marketing standpoint, it probably doesn’t help him much.  It’s the sort of thing that can be latched on to as a soundbite to compel folks with low mental horsepower.