
I actually went back to TJs to get some Kalamata olive oil, and they didn't have it, so I wonder if they stopped carrying it (there wasn't even a sign, so I assume it wasn't just sold out)..

what's the deal with the monoprice screen? First of all just the thought of buying something through Rakuten makes me shudder, and i feel like Monoprice is cheap..any thoughts?

I think there's a lot of hatred toward Google+, and honestly I think it's unwarranted. I'm so done with facebook, that I don't even use it for functional purposes anymore (unless you count facebook stalking functional) example that I think makes G+ awesome is sharing pictures. Besides the auto-backup on your

As a dentist, I would say the most important thing when flossing and brushing is to understand what you're doing. So here's why we brush/'re teeth sit in bone and are covered by gums, naturally there's about a 2-3millimeter pocket from where the bone ends to where the gums end, and food and whatever

I usually pour the wine into an empty plastic bottle, and squeeze as much air as I can out of it, and replace the cover, and store in the fridge...Won't last forever, but it usually will keep an additional 2-3 days

I guess feedly, although I'm super not impressed. So far there's really nothing like google reader, and I'm hoping either google realizes the outcry and doesn't shut it down, or Digg's upcoming reader might be worthwhile

I used to use Google Voice on my evo shift (sprint), so that my patients can call me on my cell phone, and i can call them back, but they don't have my personal number...using the android app for Voice, I was able to decide if I wanted to use Voice or not for every call (or I could turn it off all together)...that was