Yep, definitely no problems with police anywhere else in the world.
Follow The Cranky Replier at
(Probably not the best time, but there’s a Renault 4 at the 22 second mark)
Hmh, well, that’s great but what about direct flights to Luton?
Be a hater if you want, but as many Star Trek cast members have died from the Grand Cherokee having a confusing transmission as consumers have died while using auto pilot.
Not really, the truck is crossing multiple lanes in a short space and is approaching the Tesla almost even with the car. If the truck was almost clear and had a blinker on then you would be right. If it was me in my car there would have been a chance for a minor collision in that case as my car does not avoid shit for…
Looked more like a Power Ranger.
I heard it was Bush’s fault.
Make crashes great again.
Are you trying to kill them all???
Thanks Obama
The biggest problem I see is that at 700mph, looking out a side window would be nauseating. It works in an airplane because you're so far from the ground, but things will be whipping by the Hyperloop windows (whether real or augmented) at a ridiculous rate.
What about the brave heroes that stopped to kick the rocks and gravel out of the road the camaro threw there. They’re doing gods work and saving the public from rock chips and cracked windshields. They’re the real stars of this video.
No one is saying they deserved to die. Everyone is saying that the actions of the girls directly caused their deaths. Not because of the inactions of the police.
Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but…