@Link2187: i salute you
@Link2187: i salute you
@Drummertist v.3: totally agree with you on that. A lot of android devices and tabs have similar specs that they can do this better than that one by a hair bit better.
come on, Gizmodo. Like really.. REALLY?
yumsicles.. i want an angry birds cake
no bubble breaker included?
@usedtowork: on my Bold 9700, it can hold a charge for a day and a half using wifi and 3G most of the day streaming music during work, texting, browsing the web, etc etc. I'm not too surprised about the battery life lasting as long, I had a pearl 8100 and that went on for 2-3 days without a charge using it all day.
@cullenmcd: my bad guys, i should of been more clear on my question. I gave my fiance my iPhone 3G. It was unlocked before i gave it to her since she has at&t till her contract expires in a few months. I updated it to 3.1.3 wiping the old jailbreak. I was curious if I had to jailbreak it first then find a program to…
dumb question. is jailbreaking the same as unlocking?
@wickedcupofjoe: the reminders are based on how the car is driven. Usually heavy city driving, stop and go, etc lets you know when to change the oil. it's not based on mileage. more of your driving style, that affects the life of the oil and how it lubercates the engine. Cars that are driven mostly highway can extend…
Can't Apple and Steve Jobs man up about it?
Funny that this was posted. I called Verizon a week ago asking if they are getting the phone and the guy goes, to be honest, there are a few out there that's in testing with the network. he didn't know if it's going to be a go for them or not.
@FriedPeeps: i luvvhhh mah blackamahburry
...really giz? it wasn't an obnoxious toss. i thought the video was going to be worse of the guy slamming the box onto the porch.