
Really, you are the one who called me a “troll”, its cute you are now accusing me of ad-hominem attacks when you cast the first stone.

I’m not a troll, I am a non-deranged human being unlike yourself. The fact you tried to politicize the murder of a twenty-two year old and the try to shame me is disgusting. I’d love to see you try this identity politics garbage in the real world and see the response you get.

What the hell does rape culture have to do with a young woman being shot by a deranged fan? You may think that bringing identity politics into the tragic death of a stranger is acceptable, but its not, its simply classless and if you want to promote your politics don’t use the death of a 22 year old to do it.

What exactly does the shooters race have to do with the crime he committed? For real, you are just being a race baiter and trying to politicize this young woman’s tragic death. How is this any different than the man who killed the UCLA professor last week, and he sure wasn’t white? People of all races commit violent

It’s Jezebel — logic isn’t wanted here.

Rich, wealthy men get away with shit. The fact that you’re isolating it to white men shows your racism. Jameis Winston, O. J. Simpson, Kobe Bryant, and Bill Cosby — all black — got away with rape and/or murder. Suh (American football player for Detroit) got away with assault and other “maybes.” Athletes — black,

Because attorneys never do that for female defendants? I guess you didn't follow the Jodi Arias trial...

Are you suggesting that we breed and eat gorillas to level the playing field? You disgust me!

I am shocked, SHOCKED, Depp hasn’t hit rehab yet in an effort to save his fan base. He must be beyond fucked-up, not listening to his handlers. Cuz you know that’s the first thing they told him.

I thought The Wolverine was great. X-Men Origins: Wolverine on the other hand... hot garbage. But this new one looks like hot garbage too.

You don’t speak for the black community so stop acting like you are! Your speaking on behalf of yourself and your butthurt feelings. How bout you go bitch to Anthony Ray!

You lost, get over yourself.

Please show me where I said she wasn’t entitled to her opinion? Have I said “You shouldn’t be upset about this”? I said I thought the article was dumb and an overreaction. People are free to think otherwise.

Haha oooooooooook!!

apparently you having your own thoughts/feelings is you trying to force other people to think/feel your way.

NOT a troll for someone to call you on racism—referring to someone’s race for no related issue except your own prejudice and to appeal to prejudice of others is racist.

Just stop using ‘white dude’ as a pejorative. That is racist. Unless the person’s race is directly related just calling out a race is racist.

I don’t know much about the ivory trade, but seems to me that making it more rare makes it more valuable, and puts animals at greater risk.

MLK was a sexist pig too. should we never mention him again?

It’s just kind of ridiculous because there are like a hundred blonde, white actresses and leading ladies.