
The post about assembling a gang to beat up a rapist rings all kinds of false for me. The rape I believe. The assault I do not. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone made up a story and submitted it to xoJane in exchange for praise from strangers. Lots of pathological liars in that crowd.

The best part? Most of them are totally incompetent at life and they’re giving life advice to people around the clock.

People talk about the supportive commenting community but it mostly a bunch of people who look for ways to make everything about them. That’s the only explanation for why they keep returning to that dumpster fire. Every other comment on Lauren’s heinous essay started “As someone with mental illness” or “I just lost

What I don’t understand are the commenters who come back day after day after day after day complaining about xoJane’s lack of editorial standards. It’s like watching a co-dependent dysfunctional relationship in action.