“Nintendo has issued a statement to Kotaku recommending that Switch owners only buy officially licensed Switch products”
“Nintendo has issued a statement to Kotaku recommending that Switch owners only buy officially licensed Switch products”
That’s just Nintendo’s standard patch notes: a majority of their games end up with the same style of useless patch notes except the Splatoon team which usually actually documents balance changes well.
“General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.”
The guy has very powerful friends who work hard to prevent that.
Yeah, my guess is after their “date” he pretended he didn’t agree to any sort of exchange and tried to kick her out. The very little that I’ve read about him leads me to believe that he’s the kind of guy who likes to pick up “dates” and refuse payment because he thinks he is above all that. I really want someone…
Please, please expand on this comment.
So the jockey mysteriously falls off the horse for no reason, inches from the finish line, saving the track a half-million dollars? Even the most non-skeptical among us can see that this is a pretty blatant fix, right?
I’ve got an old friend who works at his firm. You should see the female attorneys and what they have to wear to work
Given the meth face I am betting they had an agreed upon price for her services & he was trying to stiff her (pun unintended). He is a powerful and conected guy he probably figred he could get away with it. Didn’t expect her to take it so badly.
No worries. He is conservative. All he has to do is ask GOD for forgiveness and the other conservatives will like him again.
I wonder how many “roses” she was asking for on Craigslist for said date.
Fun Fact: he’s married.
Yep. Probably would’ve framed the damaged works as new pieces.
Both these people are awful but I take no joy in art like that being destroyed or damaged.
The saving grace is that Andy Warhol would have loved this story.
Never mind that actual financial experts have pointed out that if he just invested his fortune in the stock market indexes, he’d be richer than he (allegedly) is today.
Dotard Nation believes he’s “smart” because he says he is, that’s all.
Consider? Might? Hello? This was firmly established common knowledge way, way before he ever ran. Dotard Nation believes he’s “smart” because he says he is, that’s all.
Ignorance and stupidity aren’t the same thing, although they’re often in the same aisle at the supermarket. Ignorance is “won’t learn”, stupidity is “can’t learn”. On many things, Trump is profoundly, willfully ignorant, but I don’t think he’s entirely stupid - he has a certain level of practical rat-bastard cunning,…