Fortunate Son

No, no, no...none of those activities are political, you see.

Funny, my emergency accountant couldn’t stop any of the seven shots my ex-wife took at my tax return.

Don’t be that guy, ThaaatGuy.

“This is a teachable moment,” Sung told the Times-Dispatch. “It’s not something that we’re proud of. The team is very apologetic and sorry. There’s nobody of any color that should say it. Period. There’s nobody that should say it.”

“This video really was out of innocence

Wrong. A Canadian Standoff is when two people can’t decide who’s holding the door open for whom.

Even if it was “your people”, would it really be worth it to argue over fine details of language on one of the rare occasions when a white billionaire is willing to come out in support of protests by a beleaguered minority community? If you’d rather have sports PR departments stick to generic non-statements in regards

This work for ya?

Fellow Pistons fan here.

Happened in Ferguson, MO as well to Henry Davis.

It’s a Hyperbole Truther!

You can believe several things at once. You can believe that police shouldn’t shoot innocent black men. You can believe that people, period, shouldn’t be shooting other people. You can believe that the Rodney King verdict, which influenced the verdict in the Simpson case, was a mockery of justice. You can also believe

We can just run this story every year, right? Just replace the name of the African-American QB and publish?

That still counts!

I feel like your son’s AYSO team has a fighting chance to best you in reading comprehension. The tweet came from Germany. Germany has a good soccer team. [Cue McBain (That’s the joke)]

Man, if only the second paragraph of this post were about that exact thing.

Great PR move by the Army. This totally makes up for the Iraq War. However, I do love the idea of a few thousand people gathering under a roof to watch a parachute team. That’s Trump’s America, in a tight little package. A bunch of fucking mouthbreathers staring at a ceiling and listening to the thuds. Meanwhile, a

This is more frivolous than Donald Trumps trademark claim against Syracuse.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.