Fortner Industries

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

Puking in a cab in Chicago is a $50 fee/fine for riders.

If they throw up in someone’s car, they should pay to clean it.

Why is that a free pass?

Those prone to car sickness can only hail Honda Elements.

Just have a computer vision system in the interior (that can’t record audio) and have the car return to a cleaning depot as needed. Charge a cleaning fee to the offending user.

Drunk people aren’t going to reach for the bags, and sure as hell aren’t going to deposit them in a garbage cannister tucked somewhere in the car or press a button.

Chicken wire floorpans. If people are behaving like animals, they ride like them too.

I feel bad because I don’t know exactly why I hate Shmee150 as much as I do (and so much more than I dislike others in his genre) but something about him just rubs me the wrong way.

Looks better than a Corvette too.



My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.

Why is Jalopnik paying attention to this nitwit?

Cars have nothing to do with GoT.

I know bloggers need to be topical but...this is a stretch guys. Take it back to the drawing board.

Mustangs, lots of Mustangs. That poor filming crew.

Auto sales has no place for you and your math skills. :D

welp.....yeah thats my bad for assuming things without watching then.... i should know better by now