
As a heterosexual male... fuck trainer, fuck off chiropractor (snake oil), kill Meghan Trainor for cultural appropriation and terrible contributions to culture. I don’t care how attractive her bass is.

Wikipedia shows 8 episodes in season 1, so we should have two more episodes.

It was pretty cool he priced the prints so reasonably. It is saddening that he only made such a limited number available. I wanted one too. =(

The crazy low print run for these sucks. I wanted one. :(

I just want to thank you for posting that Diacon Twilight video... that was awesome, and the world can always use more ELO. I’d join your Nerd Nation in 2 seconds.

Maybe I missed it in the 1000+ replies to this article, but I cannot imagine how this gem missed the list.

Your writing is top notch but this “another student was given an even more equally offensive award at the same school.” is driving me crazy. I assume its the product of a revised draft of the piece, but in the end this is more offensive, or equally offensive. Ir can’t be both.

If I had to introduce Star Wars to somebody I would start with Ep 7/TFA, next thw Original Trilogy, then finally Rogue One. For me, the originals are the prequel and George Lucas only made 3 Star Wars movies. Children should only learn about them when they are old enough to consent to enduring such a terrible

The various threads eventually pull together. Sounds like it will be at least season two before that happens though.

No. The djinn “gave” Salim his “life” as a cabbie and took over the unsatisfying existence of being a salesman from Salim. Hence the Djinn wearing Salim’s suit when we see him meet Wednesday in ep1 or ep2. Presumably both the Djinn AND Salim now have a more fulfilling existence as a result of the switch. The book

Her money doesn’t come from Charter Schools though. It comes from the Pyramid Scam/MLM scheme that was formerly known as Amway. Then she plows the proceeds into her religiously motivated fanatical crusade.

Exactly this, and Matrim was my favorite character in the Wheel of Time, heh.

The bit where the naive Future White Boy inspires the Past “Colored” Not Yet Mayor to decide to run for office doesn’t exactly recognize the very real struggle of the Civil Rights movement either. Just following up your comment with another example of how BttF has some problematic scenes regarding race.

It is far too charitable to imply this is about his ego. This is about federalizing the voter suppresion technique the GOP uses, that goes by the name “Crosscheck.”

“anybody can even find one to purchase.” That is how that sentence was supposed to end, right? We are talking about Nintendo hardware... heh.

If you haven’t gotten an answer yet... Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It’s a hysterical riff on the Omen more than anything else.

It really comes down to the Power of the Glow. Its just too awesome.

Now that you mention it.

Hey now, my best dress shirt is purple. Nothing wrong with purple, I was just curious. Pretty sure the second one is when he was tried for his crimes after being reaged from the Super Mutant deaging him. Those were the days.

This one?