
Assuming his little profile photo on the posted tweet is him, yes.

So glad I voted for her. That tool Mica she displaced would have been too happy to go along with this shit show. Get em Stephanie.

Not if they do “Young Hank/Beast” prior to his experiments that triggered his furry mutation. Then he’s just a ridiculously athletic big dude.

The virus ate it.

87 and 98 are both 3 figure wall books depending on condition. I got 88 for $10 retail a couple monthes ago. XFactor 5 and 6 got a little pop before the movie. No idea what they have done since. The rest aren’t worth much. Also those are retail prices, collectors will have a hard time getting those prices selling

I could be wrong, but I am pretty certain that production companies are not only saving on the on-air talent, but even more so behind the camera as most reality shows are non-union work. They get to underpay everybody from the “talent” to the PA who guards the non-existent craft services table. Profit!

Enjoy it while it lasts. DoJ under Trump/Sessions is probably going to shut down all legal marijuana, recreational and medicinal, at the Federal level. The states have only gotten away with it because Obama/Holder/Lynch were liberal about enforcement. Trump/Sessions will not be.

“as if empathy and critical thought are abundant in these here streets.”

“It takes a lot for white people, cis people, straight people, basically, anyone in a dominant group, to step outside of themselves and recognize their privilege.”

Garth released We Shall Be Free in 92, and Thunder Rolls, which had a dv awareness music video, in 90. I think it’s safe to say he’s been quietly “woke” since before it was a thing.

You and Lunchcoma are correct. This is about Pence’s hardcore patriarchy enforcement of his own weird fundamentalist christian faith. I haven’t looked it up, but I would wager Israel diplomat might be one too. There are a lot of US pro-Isreal hawks that want a single state Isreal so Jesus can come back. They are

Now playing

Amy Schumer takes a more cynical swing at this that’s pretty solid, too.

This sounds awesome.

Did I forget Loras Tyrell dying in the last season of GoT, or is this casting basically a spoiler?

I quite enjoyed it too. But, too much tankmobile, and too many Riddler trophies. I should have just youtubed the 100% most wanted ending.

I was actually specifically thinking of both Stallone and Tom Cruise.

Obviously it’s past my bed time. I agree with your original point.

What is this from?

Did you play Arkham Knight?

Height is easily “corrected” on film.