
Amazon has the Pip Boy Edition for pre-order now. It’s $120. I already got mine.

This is basically a fiction from DARE classes. Lacing marijuana is not profitable, as anything one would deliberately lace it with is more valuable than the marijuana its self. The black market is driven just as much by the profit motive as any other. It just makes zero fiscal sense to do this unless one is telling

This is actually one of the biggest benefits for me of marijuana use. My entire life, since childhood, I've had vivid and disturbing dreams. The "tame ones" are surreal and bizarre, but many of them make your standard Tales From the Crypt episode seem like Sesame Street. Not remembering these dreams is probably the

It's a shop. It's got a lot of "appeal" to various audiences, but this particular image is photoshop.

Two southern belles sat on the porch of a manor on a hot afternoon, drinking iced tea. The first southern belle says to the second "My Sugar Daddy bought me this lovely outfit." The second southern belle replied, "How nice." The first then says "and my sugar daddy bought me that beautiful car in the driveway" and the

I logged in to join the chorus of "Does he even read the words in this article?"

Now playing

The most relevant shot from this trailer is at 1:27.

More like infinite mark up. The character limit on text messages is because they're essentially sent using the "extra" space in the backend data packets the phones use to connect to the tower. IE, one's phone periodically checks in with the network and the extra bits in this transmission are what was developed into