
Note: not as bad as in terms of violence or as bad a person. But as bad for this country

He seems to hate me, and seeing as how I am not a Confederate flag supporting white supremacist, and after trying to relate me to a mass murderer for disagreeing with his viewpoints, I’d disagree.

Tell me, why should we just overlook illegals?

I’d imagine seeing as how by nature they are undocumented it would be hard to find a reliable statistic. I’m not saying I think illegals are running around leaving a path of terror and flames in their wake. I’ve worked with illegals who were perfectly good people. I’ve also worked with illegals who were criminals and

Just as ignorant, just as close minded. What the hell are you even standing up for, illegal child molesters? Just can never come towards the middle and see the light

People like you are just as bad as the trump voting rednecks. But you’ll never see it.

If you dont support illegal immigrants, you hate all immigrants. THIS JUST IN!

How about you debate what I say instead of making crazy assumptions. You have no idea who I am, who I socialize with, where I stand on pretty much anything at all, besides illegal immigrants. And just because I don’t like illegals, I’m scared of diversity. Doesn’t seem like a huge leap to you? Ease up buttercup, maybe

Did you read the article? It seemed to me like it was about the choice between covering for illegals in your life, or turning them in. Your post, amid many others, seemed to support not turning them in. Got it?

Do I simply not agree with you, or are you actively conspiring to make this country a worse place?

Lol, great point man. Yeah, it must be his fault there are so many illegal immigrants. By the way, I live in Vegas, and know people who were down there (including good AMERICAN latinos) You can go fuck yourself and try and come up with another baseless argument. Just because I dont like ILLEGAL immigrants, I must

Instead of acting like it’s funny to bother the police, why don’t you stop bothering the police?

Yeah, let’s totally overlook the problem of undocumented immigrant child molesters, thieves, and gang members. It’s always the white people’s fault. Have some accountability for your brethren and maybe we could all get somewhere

I hope they deport you for saying that

If more black people took a stand against the casually racist people in their lives, then maybe some of those assholes would reexamine their views. Like you don’t actually get to be a garbage human without social consequences. Good for you!

Yeah, Im white, so I totally have never experienced racism before, and am totally impervious to it. All of those horrible experiences I grew up with must not have happened. I totally don’t even understand. Wait, guess what?! People of color can be/ are racist too! In fact, having grown up half in a predominantly white

You meant to say Jeff Garcia, right? Dude was fun to watch from time to time, at least.