
Another girl on twitch flaunting sexuality and getting upset at sexual questions. Puhfuckinglease. Stop with this shit or we end up with 4 more years of trump you liberal fucks

Seems like an overreaction to a simple question. Must be her time of the month. 

They are creating fake outrage for free advertising. And it's working.

Why is this about race?

PC bullshit 

Sounds pretty racist man. Realize sweeping generalizations got us into this mess. Before long you just become a part of the problem. 

Tip of the iceberg. We’re not going to be able to interact for fear of offending somebody. I think most people have been called something worse than spider monkey anyway. Who gave a damn to begin with? Like every person who makes a clumsy comment that could be perceived as racist is actually a clan memeber with


So you found someone else’s sense of humor different from your own, and decided this was ok? I’m supposed to be upset you were suspended? You social justice warriors need a reality check.

Anyone who doesn’t think like I do is WRONG and shouldn’t be allowed to think like that! YEAH! That’s really what Americuh is about right guys!?

Lmao you people never stop. Like there’s a dearth of larger than life personalities in football. Always has to be about race.

If I made a blog called very smart caucasians and complained about “extra-black shit”, how would that shake out? Fucking hypocrites. Most racist people I know are black people

Lmao, maybe rusty doesn’t want to live with a bunch of illegals in his town? But he is the one in the wrong? If you aren’t an illegal you have nothing to worry about. If you are, go back to Mexico. Simple as that. Hopefully more people pick up the phone!

This is just a way for someone to say, I see you and treat you as everybody else, regardless of the color of your skin. They are not being literal, and can still tell that you are whatever color you are. Why do you take such offense? 

This is just a way for someone to say, I see you and treat you as everybody else, regardless of the color of your skin. They are not being literal, and can still tell that you are whatever color you are. Why do you take such offense? 

Should every black man in todays world feel shame because some tribe leader sold off captives of war as slaves to the white man?

“And I get it; it is very uncomfortable for white people to hear about the atrocities of racism knowing that their people are complicit in centuries of mistreatment. It would give me the heebie-jeebies, too. It’s like cheating on a woman, confessing and then wondering why she’s always bringing up old shit when you

“I’m not one of those people who believe black people can’t be racist, because I, too, felt racism creep into my heart once when a Caucasian co-worker offered me leftover potato salad. Even though black-on-white racism technically exists, it is rarely injurious.”

You people here are ridiculous. Have to make it about everything under the sun BUT the point at hand. All anybody sees is race these days. I am white, yes. Sometimes do I feel lucky to be white, yes. Does that make me feel kind of shity, yes. Everybody else gets to be PROUD of their color, and I have to feel the shame

I’d like to know why you guys/gals support illegal immigrants. Is it just Mexican illegals? Would you be ok with north Korean, Russian, or Chinese illegal immigrants living here?