ForScience: Technically Within Spec is Best Kind of In Spec

I think it’s less about getting things done through those channels as much as signaling to lawmakers but more importantly other voters that this is a thing other people are concerned about. With as polarized and atomized we are at this point in time they're useful tools like other forms of mass organization, even if

It’s just as much governmental corruption on behalf of these big corporations. Shit like this is why we need campaign finance reform and transparent goverment.

Pretty much all automakers and even suppliers to some extend do this kind of thing, but yeah, they should pay taxes regardless. States/municipalities need to avoid starving themselves of tax income by offering tax incentives to companies for short term job growth as well, like Toyota and Texas for example. It's not

Don't forget that ~90% of auto industry jobs are not going to be the glamorous ones where you get to develop and test the next halo sportscar. You will, however (especially starting out) become an expert at mundane things like designing the fuel tank vent and rollover protection system or running formability studies

Okay, what is it about older white dudes and them perceiving 'racism' against them? I have coworkers and an extended family member whom on occasion complain about 'being discriminated against' by service workers.

You can buy bricks in bulk of specific types and colors from Lego or on several online marketplaces such as BrickLink; much cheaper and reasonable than buying sets to cannibalize.

... at least in CPL classes you’re instructed to never pull out your weapon without fully intending to use it and accept the likelihood you will kill someone. You never shoot to just wound- that won’t save your ass in court.

Thieves in Flint still do this, not that creative it seems...

Someone without a seatbelt turns into a heavy unsecured projectile in an accident, nevermind legality. They're a risk to everyone else, that's why I don't put the car into gear without everyone wearing their belts.

'Turn right here left.'

Holy shit yes. Yesterday I witnessed a guy get thrown out of a college classroom because he pulled out a vaporizer and wouldn't leave because ''s not a cigarette and I'm not smoking, show me where it says I can't do this'. Cue arguing with campus safety and getting escorted out.

Depending on the relative economic status of the area, I would expand that to include 'all things' in the car. Old receipts and change in the ashtray are broken window magnets.

I am hoping there isn't multiple of these eldritch abortions out there and that's just a repaint of the first.

I thought I had heard somewhere that the Charger we know was too far along in the development process by the time marketing had told the product development team it was to be sold as the Charger for any significant changes to be made so it would be more like the classic Charger, like being a two door coupe.

So much this. Even 'cheap' projects that just sit can become serious points of contention. It's one thing to have stuff you like in your own space, but it becomes another entirely to share space and income with someone who otherwise doesn't have a connection with your project vehicle and probably sees it as a

Not nearly as quick as these seem to rust, though. Heard they start to go as soon as 30k.

No, really: Rust never sleeps. There's also about 3 to 5 times as much as those rust bubbles seem to imply, and there is a reason road noise has gotten really loud recently.

Wait, only $20k? *balls up life, starts over*


Going to a rifle range is the same. Nowadays if you're showing up with anything that has wood furniture and isn't semiautomatic you're kind of the oddball. Used to be the one guy who shows up with the 'black gun' was the weird one.