Forrest MacNeil

Technically aren't all turds inert anyway?

This is the internet… we've all got masters degrees if we say so.

Sweeping generalisations: reductive and asinine.

That's ok. Your wife is always acting all disgusted and confused when I show her stuff too.

I'm ok. Thanks for asking. You?

Is there a vegetarian option?

Ok, so I've got like, these two things… they're different but together they form a collection. Singular. Now, this collection can be two things (creepy and expensive for example) but, like a different two things to the two things that form the one thing. And like, both of those two things are also two things (eg.

Top 3 answers in reverse order:
3) Orson Welles thought it was a candy cane and ate it.
2) It was turned into a sledge.
1) Inside your mom.

Are you hugging the TV?

Goddammit Gotham, every time you threaten to get good* you go and do the exact opposite of what you should have done.

It's a metaphor for life.

I dunno… I don't dislike him but he kinda reminds me of Jeff Bridges and then that just makes me wish that I was watching Jeff Bridges instead of Kurt Russell.

Scratch that, I just checked the exchange rate. I'll pay you £6.50 but not a penny more.

I'll give you twenty quid for it but you've gotta pay for postage to the UK.

I'm not up to date with American news but boy, The Apprentice really has you guys fired up this year. I need to watch some episodes and find out what the fuss is all about.

I'm with you man. I hate the way vanilla has come to mean bland or boring. Vanilla is indeed awesome. There is nothing nicer than an ice cold glass of vanilla milkshake. Nothing. Except maybe an ice cold glass of custard.

I feel like we should be friends. Or enemies. Or at the very least accomplices in a dangerous and evil plot.

Count me in!

Bobby Cannavale was simply amazing in Boardwalk Empire and his character's story arc was the high point in a series full of high points.

I would like to advocate advocating for the devil.