
You forgot to call it a "re-boot"

If it's an 'important' film then its a snub whether it is good or bad.

Everything that I love or once loved has been invaded by Oswalt, Fey, Hamm, etc. But if the recent television update of The Muppets has taught me anything is that they really were the product of one man, & no amount of cameos is going to make them any funnier. R.I.P. Henson. R.I.P. Muppets

Sinatra's version has the added bonus of the creepy singers that bookend the song

You neglected to mention that it is not funny, too

Suck it AVCLub

I think the song is quite catchy. Hardly seems worth all the effort put into writing the article. Anyway the best holiday song by an ex-Beatle is Harrison's 'Ding Dong'.

watch out Avclub Shia LaBeouf is rising beyond your ability to be snarky. His last stunt was brilliant.


It's all very sad


Fails to mention that this was a sequel to Night of the Living Don

I believe that you really believe that

Nothing but respect for the man.

Wonderful wonderful

Beautiful Beautiful

Coneheads: late 1970s sketch, Surprisingly funny early 1990s film & as it turns out, clever 2015 commercial.

Train is an EASY target. The song is not that bad. It's catchy. Try harder, Derek

Why do an edited version?

Said AVClub shortly before they would post an article defending the film under "Watch This"