You’re doing great and going to do great things! Keep on going! :)
You’re doing great and going to do great things! Keep on going! :)
Carrie Fisher is a true subversive, and she had the guts to be subversive when the majority of Americans were absolutely ok with what was happening all around them. She was like a living antidote to the Reagan years.
Listen I was a nurse for 30 years and consequently intimately acquainted with death. I am more than comfortable with facing and dealing with it, and you need to stop being so smugly superior and condescending to everyone else here.
Her condition was recently upgraded and seems like she will recover.
All you say is accurate, but imagine what Debbie Reynolds is feeling right now. Debbie’s ailing herself, and her daughter is her best friend; they even have adjacent homes. Too awful.
Latest update from her brother is that she’s “out of emergency” and stable.
You may be a lifeline for someone else, one day, too.
Also I actually do have a Princess Leia costume, just not for a fellow Bully love id hope Carrie would get a laugh out of it.
From all of the medical people weighing in, it doesn’t sound like she will make it. I’m devastated—I’ve always loved Star Wars, but I heard her speak last year about mental illness and addiction and sexism in Hollywood. Her talk was frank and funny and extremely moving. She really inspires me.
thank you <3 <3!!
Hugs from a well meaning internet stranger.
I have a lot of Star Wars related clothing but actually don’t have a Leia costume so this what I’m wearing tonight.
*hugs* keep writing, friend.
I’m a woman who hero-worshipped Leia Organa while growing up, and is now 23 years old, living with bipolar disorder, loves to write, and hero-worships Carrie Fisher. Please, God, no.
Fucking hell. Please no. I can’t take any more of this shit from 2016.
I know, bad shit happens every year. But 2016 just especially feels like it’s The Grinch, taking away our celebrities and our hope for shits and giggles.
Would it be any different if this happened a week from now, in 2017? I can’t wait until the whole “Fuck 2016" thing is over. Bad things never stop happening; 2016 isn’t unique in this sense.
This doesn’t sound good at all. You can’t take Carrie Fisher away, you hear us 2016?!?
Just went back and re-watched this timeless, beautiful, hilarious, wonderful interview with Carrie and Gary. DO NOT TAKE HER, 2016, YOU’VE DONE ENOUGH THIS YEAR.
Yes, I’ve been hearing that too; liberals who’ve advocated gun control are now frightened enough that they’re buying firearms.