
I mean this kindly, as I’ve known you as a commenter for a very long time, do you know anyone who was in an abusive relationship? Because, what you think you would do and what you actually do and then, what is BEST for the person involved are all three entirely separate things.

My sister was in an abusive relationship, and, honestly, the only reason we didn’t report is because we were pretty sure that doing so would mean she’d be cut off from us. To keep the lines of communication open, we kept our mouths shut. It’s a hard call to make, but that’s what we did.

Yeah, the denial that you can protect your kid from everyone.

Uh. It’s not a matter of empathy. It’s a matter of putting your child in worse danger, alienating her further so that she clings to the troubled person that she believes truly loves her and is the only person she can trust, and then you lose her forever either because she’ll be too ashamed and afraid to talk to

You’re out of your league, NonServiam. You’re showing a clear misunderstanding of the way abusive situations work. Don’t feel too bad, I didn’t understand before I was stuck in one either. I would have been judgy and thought it was easy and black and white before, too. By engaging here, I hope you’re out to actually

I thought it’s Opposite Day on Jezebel today.

Ya know, the psychology of domestic violence and abuse is not some rarely discussed topic. Might I suggest you hit up Google Scholar and perhaps learn a bit about different reactions to domestic violence from not only the abused but the abused’s family? It’s not really all that difficult.

If the victim is white, yes that may be correct. This is not the case here, and the direct and overt threats to harm her family made the situation worse. But you just go on, keep blaming the victim for her situation, keep telling women it’s their own fault for not stopping the abuse happening to them. Clearly, you

Pretending that you have any idea what you’d do in this situation is like claiming you know exactly what you’d grab if your house was on fire. You don’t, and you never will until it happens to you. You can know who you want to be in this situation but that’s not always how reality is going to play out. You were not

My abuser was less physical than this but the psychological manipulation, the slow, calculating way his “sarcasm” and wit became a way to hurt me, alienating me from others I knew and convincing me they were lying or just hated him for no reason when they told me how he really was....god do these sociopaths read a