
Whao, Greg. You are stupid.

Now playing

The other video is from Slow-Mo Guys, who fired a pistol and a revolver. Good show!

Freaking top!!! This is amazing

Most of these have never happened to me. I played it on PC and on xBox, and I there has never been a grabbing glich, or a hanging people, or falling though the map. It's weird. I guess we can all just find every game glichy points and have fun there

After AC Revelations, it became overrated and mainstream. Desmond, Subject 16, and Ezio story was amazing, and they even implied Altair which was amazing, but then came a sudden fuck all, and ruined most of the interest in everyone. :c
AC:IV is a big question mark, because new modern character? Why, I loved Desmond.


Dear Steve,

Either do it right or don't do it at all is my opinion about the Games with Gold thing. Please, next time, take care that we don't get a 4 year old game with 5 DLCs for extra charge. Please do it right next time!