
I used to work as a journalist intern, and I was lucky enough that I had chance of trialing an Xbox One for a week, on the day of US launch. I was really happy, and stuff, but then I learned that I have to make a review video about it. I had a lot of help, but, it was the first time of me doing anything like that, so

Unlike the other items on this list, you probably already have this one: you just might not be using it to its full potential. Not everything is better with voice, but complicated tasks like setting reminders, converting units, and even performing simple searches are much, much faster with Google Now (or Siri). And if

Windows Phone allows your inner circle to get though and also, either send a message for those who repeatedly try calling or get's them through.

Did anyone get the 250K? I didn't :c… Yeah sorry again. It's just a sharing in kinja, and it looked like if I comment there it will be under the hungarian article, so I messed up kinda. It kinda sucks. Oh and is the official hungarian kinja-gawker site. You know Kotaku can keep posting 0-24 because they have

Uyy, Yeah sorry, I just saw it on where it was copied from kotaku, and I thought when I write a comment there it is gonna be under the article not the kotaku. So really sorry, fuck the new comment system.

Nyáááh, többet vártam. Ahogy elkezdtem játszani GTA V-tel Drive jutott az eszembe. Mész, üldöznek, elbújsz egy sikátorban, lekapcsolod a lámpákat, és izgulsz ahogy a rendőrautó keress téged. Ahogy lebuksz padlógáz, másik sikátor, kiszállás, laza elsétálás. Annyira szeretem

Where's RWBY by Roosterteeth?

Rooster Teeth is one of my favorite thing in the Internet. They make so much content, so funny and entertaining videos, as well informative podcasts, and great shows with RWBY and RvB. Machinima always pulled out too much content, I say this while I'm subscribed to IGN and not sure if it's a good thing. The Smosh

As someone who really liked Mirror's Edge and played it though a number of times, I really like this idea. I have never seen that before, zombies are cool, parkour is cool, I Am Legend stuff is cool, I look forward to this game

This is amazing!!!! As you can see there is the [source2] tagline, which appeared also a year ago, and appears time to time. This was really logical step from Valve, that they create a brand new engine from scratch and then publish the Portal 3, Half Life 3, and Left 4 Dead 3. It's not that they had forgotten about

"If he enters to your house, in many years ahead, alone, pursued by the combine, give him cookies. He likes cookies. But that will probably don't happen, because there is a slightly chance that aliens will appear in the lab, followed by army guys. In case it happens, but It won't don't worry, try to run and stay

I guess it isn't coming soon to Windows Phone right?

And maybe, in some improbable cases, alien soldiers will try to kill you, but that is highly improbable. Oh and now and then there will be a mysterious guy in a suit, and an another guy in an orange suit, the first one is G-Man, the second is Dr. Freeman, our scientist. He will appear time to time, don't worry, help

Now playing

Zachariah Scott also did this years ago with Half Life 2. Guess what, it's amazing :D

On steam, I always use the overlay to browse the web while matchmaking. This thing sounds really fun

Freaking top!!! This is amazing

Most of these have never happened to me. I played it on PC and on xBox, and I there has never been a grabbing glich, or a hanging people, or falling though the map. It's weird. I guess we can all just find every game glichy points and have fun there

After AC Revelations, it became overrated and mainstream. Desmond, Subject 16, and Ezio story was amazing, and they even implied Altair which was amazing, but then came a sudden fuck all, and ruined most of the interest in everyone. :c
AC:IV is a big question mark, because new modern character? Why, I loved Desmond.
