
if they don’t air the last season i’ll be disappointed. once again my hopes for a woman president are dashed by a lecherous old man.

Why the fuck are people still wearing fur?

Before everyone dismisses this as caused by poverty and flamin hot Cheetos, it must be mentioned that bad maternal/Child outcomes for African Americans transcend class, education, income, location, etc. a high-income African American lawyer in the suburbs is likely to have worse pregnancy outcomes than white trailer

“Due to anti-abortion legislators, Texas has seen steep cuts in programs that offer women’s healthcare, and has the largest percentage of uninsured women of any state in the country. “In an ideal world, a woman would have the opportunity to have a visit with a physician before she becomes pregnant to identify any

“In America, however, the maternal death rate more than doubled between 1987 and 2013. In fact, though the United States is one of the most developed countries in the world, it’s the second to last among 31 developed countries, ahead of only Mexico”

ONEof the most important things missed from these discussions is the concept of preconception care. The US has disproportionately unhealthy patients coming into their pregnancies, and primary care needs to be happening long before pregnancy and families need the resources to plan pregnancy. No one wants to do boring

I am going to put about 50% of it on the subconscious racism of doctors and their treatment of black women.

I’m headed to a counter protest Saturday! Some white supremacists are holding a White Lives Matter rally. I made this sign just for them. <3

That would be amazing! I don’t comment super often but it’d be really cool to not have to wait for my comments to hopefully be noticed by someone to be seen : (

I agree. Thank you Jezebel for supporting a place where us weirdos can come together and have a good time. I appreciate it all so much.

If it wasn’t for you guys and SNS, I am not sure that I could have made it through the past few years and I am not even exaggerating. I vented and received not only comfort but solid advice and sometimes the pat on the shoulder that I needed. Thankfully, Big Foot has made so much progress and things are easier but

I found Jezebel a couple years ago.. I think... its all a blur. I know this will sound super cheesy and corny but since I have lost the majority (ok, all) of my close girl friends over the years, due to distance, time and just generally poor communication on my part, it has really filled a hole for me. even though I’m

I have a reason to celebrate! After 5 years of waiting for The Asshole to fix the divorce papers he wanted me to sign, I went ahead and filed for divorce myself, back in June. This week, the judge signed the decree after The Asshole didn’t respond to the notice he was sent.

Nice to see! Experiences by men and women are different and until that’s clarified we can’t make things better for either side.

Yeah, I’m pretty pissed at him. We—Californians, as a state—pay an inordinate amount in taxes to the federal government relative to many other states, so we deserve aid and a few kind words regardless of ideological differences. Do we hate him? Yes (excepting the dust bowl parts of the central valley). Are we still

Not that I give a fuck about what Trump tweets or doesn’t., but it’s plenty telling that he’s still pushing the irrelevant fixation on Hillary and nothing about the wildfires that are devastating California. Granted, it’s a state that hates him, but he still, in theory, is responsible for their well-being. If for

I fucking hate him so much.

He can’t even answer a question about communicating with the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty without mentioning Obama and erroneously trying to make himself look better by comparison. He also managed to make calling parents of dead soldiers about him and how hard that is for him:

I can’t speak for any other man, but here’s my story: Two years ago, my now ex-wife was arrested for assaulting me in our home, in front of our then ten-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter. She violently resisted the police officers, and tried to get the kids to “defend her.” She ended up being tasered, twice.

1. Can you name a case of a guy winking at a woman at work and then having to call a lawyer?

2. But also don’t wink at women you work with. What are you even thinking with that?