
You fucking saw Slade open for King Crimson?! Holy hell.

Norm is insightful about comedy when he chooses to be, so I hope we get to see more of that side of him.

I believe he was an alcoholic for many years, but gave up drinking before they filmed Life of Brian.

Not quite true - Chapman received his cancer diagnosis a good five years after Meaning of Life. He was too ill to fully participate in the 20th Anniversary Special filmed in 1988 though.

Someone distinctive like the Tonight Show announcer seems more up SNL's alley.

Wow, your comments on why Clara is not a vital character really articulated my feelings about her as well. I hope Courtney travels with the Doctor for a while - their relationship is natural and fun.

Ebony and Orangey

Maybe he can, uh, beef down for the role.

Through the Walls looks like it's just my thing. Thanks!

Thomas Wolfe was in the neighborhood of 6'7" and in the habit of using the top of his refrigerator as a writing surface. Fassbender is a paltry 6'0" (his overall height. Stop that). To address this disparity I hope they fill out the rest of the cast with the likes of Tom Cruise, Danny DeVito, and Peter Dinklage.

Thomas Wolfe was in the neighborhood of 6'7" and in the habit of using the top of his refrigerator as a writing surface. Fassbender is a paltry 6'0" (his overall height. Stop that). To address this disparity I hope they fill out the rest of the cast with the likes of Tom Cruise, Danny DeVito, and Peter Dinklage.

George played bass on Taxman; Paul played the Indian-tinged guitar. It makes you wonder why he didn't contribute more solos.