
Anyone else notice that the reporter had on khaki shorts in the first shot and then flashed to the shot of pulling the guy out and now the reporter was wearing black pants and boots?

Good old 5r55s/n. Piece of shit solenoid packs and that stupid drain plug. I made my own out of threaded rod with a hole drilled in it.

After seeing who assembles these cars, I am not surprised. At (unnammed US manufacturing plant) we drop tools into dies, forget parts/decals, and lose tools all the time without ever knowing where they went.

The other half was at the labor office complaining how their supervisor is discriminating against them.

Did anyone else see Kyle Busch’ s tantrum about pulling his truck team if they go any farther than this?

Did anyone else notice the empty grandstands yesterday? Wow.

Gosh I wish Ford would just scrap the 4 cylinder mustang and just call it a Probe.

And in other news Kyle Busch is on the pole and looking to lead the entire race.

Good. Today some retard in this loud Dodge was driving next to me in my Ranger when he decided to exhibit his giant penis to me by rolling coal into my window. Sadly for him, his truck then proceeded to sputter and die right there on the highway. I quickly saw him and his giant penis in my rear view while I laughed.

I am not a Trump sympathizer. Nevertheless, I cant help but see this as an excuse to slam him. I get it that Iran and Israel are enemies. But everybody knows that these are two world powers capable of spying on each other. If Iran wants to get mad at Israel for spying on isis, the same people who are slaughtering mass

Political stance aside, wasn’t the info given to Russia about ISIS? Furthermore how does intelligence gathered on ISIS hurt Israel if given to Russia or Iran or whoever? Seriously people are so fast to take up arms against Trump. By all means if he gave sensitive info about other countries I understand the outrage.

My mom drove a 1995 mazda rx7 twin turbo when I was born.

And Bubba Wallace finished 6th place AGAIN. In the number 6 car.

Sounds like farts.

Best: 1989 Ranger with 300k. Has gone 60k more with nothing but oil changes.

Wow. Mine were so damn tight you could hang on them with a 4 foot cheater bar.

The problem is that you wouldn’t have been able to remove the broken end of the drive shaft without serious power tools. At least that’s how my Ranger was.

My Lincoln LS overheated half way home from school the other day. After talking to security at the mall I was going to park the car at, I was assured that the car would be safe until I came back in a few days to get it. Not only was the car stolen, but the shitbag who stole it drove it until it overheated and cracked

In the game The Crew you can turn quite a few cars into battle cars. I like the battle skyline.

You are absolutely correct. I bought a repoed Lincoln LS V8 that luckily for me had only been owned by the PO for less than 3k miles. Oh boy did that car require some repairs (justified by the low price I paid). Nevertheless you can tell that a total shithead had owned the car