Are we just left to assume it was only the white players using the slurs? So unfair. Sad!
Are we just left to assume it was only the white players using the slurs? So unfair. Sad!
So what happened? They wouldn’t check her out because she voted Trump or something?
Damn you’re fucked in the head.
The bit about underutilizing half the talent in your country?
Sounds hot.
Okay, Blane. Have a good night.
The sheen’s off the tomato, Barke. Call it a night already.
Yeah, me too. Drones, dangerous expansion of executive powers, bailing out Wall Street, Chelsea Manning, the list goes fucking on. He’s a corporate tool with exceptional oratory skills that he used to perpetrate evil bullshit. You have to wonder why, now that the keystone to his legacy - the ironically titled…