
It’s a good thing they put those fake louvers in front of the rear wheels, that really saves it

I think it’d be cool if they had some sort of a musical instrument type of device instead of a speaker to generate a “thrum” for “Pedestrian Safety”. Just have a small electric motor that doesn’t drink much juice spinning with something like a drumstick attached and impacting little rubber nubs and basically making a

I like that Ferrari at the end as well, but there’s just something so ridiculous about a Lamborghini... if I had the disposable income I’d pick up a Lambo first.

It may just be demand. The universal remote market is comprised of techy people and there may not be enough of them to justify the business case for an accessory. I’d like one but it’d need to work better and cost less than anything I’ve seen so far.

I feel like the sweet spot is something with physical buttons and a screen, maybe even an e-ink screen this, I like the idea. The screen can cover custom button shapes, or have a few pages if there’s a lot of buttons to emulate. Gotta strike a balance.

Autonomous cars and legal weed! This would’ve never happened! Aw fuck it, he would’ve done something else.