
That said, Megyn Kelly’s dietician has kind of the perfect name for a bad dietician.

  • Formerlymrsbiederhof asked Bobby Finger there are any “lasting effects” from recapping Megyn Kelly Today.

I got my star by writing a poem about a repulsive guy who was negging women. Mem’reeeeees, like the corners of . . .
Well, you get it.

Yes on Louie. And I got COTD more than once back in the day, and now I can’t get out of the grays.

I do hope SNL is monitoring this thread. If it can’t happen in real life . . .

Right? But it has to happen out in the open with cameras on the tests and on his tiny orange hands the whole time. That said, if he outsources it to Jared like he has everything else, they’d still lose.

Or someone who is generally kind and has a sense of humor. A student of mine is a former sex worker, and she’s been pretty candid with me. Simply not being an asshole seems to wipe out all kinds of extra pounds/extra years/whatever.

Came here to post something similar. In this case, the difference between those two words is probably the difference between a PR statement and the actual truth.

God, that sounds horrible. I’m glad you’re finding some relief in the poem. She’s got a lot of good ones.

This is the third, “Oh, he’s THAT guy?” that I’ve experienced just reading this thread. Jesus, what a dickless tool.

This is a poem that sums up so much of this experience:

They’re amazing, but they don’t get radio play or anything.

I was 24. I couldn’t agree more.

Right. A black woman who wanted to do country music would be told to do pretty much anything else instead.

I’m just boggled that none of these “disruptors” has the awareness or the empathy to work on disrupting something like homelessness or hunger—hell, even a way to make sure every kid gets off the school bus at the right stop—which would get them serious accolades.

It’s also repeated pretty much verbatim by one of Xanthippe’s friends in Season one of Kimmy Schmidt.

Never thought Anne Hathaway looked like Liza Minnelli until I saw that. WTF?

And her best friend, Muriel Puce.

“She STEPPED on the BALL. Can you imagine?”