The Retiree

Just get a bunch of these. Sure it’ll fall apart in 10 days of continuous beating, but I’m sure the parts are cheap.

Toyota Avalon?

Test track dashcam footage:

as if millions of hellcat owners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...

VAG hosed again for making crap products but this time in China. Where are they going to go to push their mechanical disasters since everyone is on to them now?


The steaming pile of shit that constitutes the trending column never disappoints.

1st Gear -

Who’s banned which flags in the USA? Are you talking about the flag of the Confederate slavery regime?

Yes*, which is why Republicans are trying so hard to create a fundamentalist Christian version right here.

Aren’t governments run by religious zealots great?

BOLD PREDICTION: That top .gif will be used in many entertaining ways.

The Corvette, because it’s more practical if you want to go shopping.

Oddly enough Doug’s most reliable car is now a 25 year old imported right hand drive Nissan Skyline.


I’m coming for that booty?

He wears those pants well. Zero complaints on the pants. Hehe.

The free market DID speak, and it resulted in GM being bankrupt...until the government decided to bail them out..

Congratulations, Mr. StingrayJake, on winning today’s COTD! I have an F1 for you which this lovely lady will deliver when she is more appropriately dressed.