That’s the good kind of bad right there!
That’s the good kind of bad right there!
You should have been more focused on that aspect in the article. And generally, Deadspin should at least attempt to have more of a specific moral standard itself when trafficking in morality.
Peter’s column is what it is, but as Drew pointed out recently, there are some really fun articles on that site. It’s like Grantland for football without all the pretentious bullshit.
Counterpoint: 538 is hot garbage which would be laughed out of any good statistical analysis program.
I work in local TV, and you are 100% wrong. “Talking Head” is such an insanely hard job when you are reading a teleprompter. When you are going off the cuff? GTFOH. Most people look like retarded serial killers when you point a camera at them. You would be very, very bad at Joe Buck’s job and he is very, very good at…
Well at least I will now know the answer to “whose disgusting Eurovision beard is this?”
On a totally unrelated note, why was there no Thursday Drew Magary column? HE”S THE NEW SIMMONS—ISN’T HE—ISN’T HE?!?!!! (angry gurgling)
Everyone is playing nice because this person has the PC-police on their side.
It would still be at LEAST as interesting as the average Grantland video.
The Simmons-ing of Magary continues unabated. Next, a YouTube channel where he sits on his couch at home, interviewing Charles B. Pierce or perhaps Matt Moore, while Tom Ley throws in wisecracks while clutching a selfie-stick.
Stander here. There are dozens of us. Dozens!
When I used the preinstalled “Internet” on my Galaxy Note, Deadspin was all kinds of hot garbage. Works fine in Chrome for me though.
I actually assumed the Patriots did something like superheat the balls right before returning them. That's probably within the rules, so ol' Tommy wasn't lying either.
Also, if you are going to do it right, the line should be " Now <i>that's</i> targeting," you fucking hack.
You know what? This is exactly the kind of shit I HATE about Deadspin. I realize everyone here is a shitty comedian trying to be Drew Magary 2.0, but fuck you AlonzoFunnyName, and fuck whomever approved his comment. I know most of you are 22 with no kids so being a funny asshole for 19 likes is more important than…
Now see, that's funny.
"I'm n0t racist, but..." [immediately says something racist.]
each team got skittish after numerous calls from people inside the NFL were made
Hey, I searched online and maybe I am full of shit on the Whatchamacalits. These are your readers! Derp derp.
*my, just to get it out of the way.