This is a really fascinating observation, and potentially one with a hell of a lot of applicability. Thanks, Patrick.
This is a really fascinating observation, and potentially one with a hell of a lot of applicability. Thanks, Patrick.
Ugh, jealous. I have no camera roll. All pictures live in albums - they weren't deleted - but no camera roll, like TheWraithL98 was saying about their phone.
I think using it with a hangover is going to be a game-ender. It already makes me kind of seasick when typing fast now; if I'm already ill, forget it.
Am I the only one who doesn't seem to have the quick reply option at all? Also, I never got the U2 album (not that I wanted it). I think I have a socially awkward version of iOS8 that no one wants to hang out with.
And goetta!
Here we go again.
Cincinnati has beer cheese! Come for the beer cheese! We apologize for the shitty chili!
Yes!!! My grandmother and her church lady friends used to make pierogis by the seeming boatload every year and sell them by the dozen, already buttered and ready to throw into the pan. Among my fondest, dreamiest childhood memories are eating those pierogis until I wanted to bust. I grew to be a chubby child, but I…
there's some possible benefits that can come along with the joy of reading.
I do the same thing (I'm a dissertating grad student, so work = intangible 95% of the time) and came down here to say the same thing. I think this is one of the nicest things to having a flexible schedule - time-consuming recipe? No problem! I can babysit that rising dough for 8 hours - I'm in the next room!
Ok, phew. I grew up in VT but haven't lived there since college, so I'm not in the loop. I could see that coming back and was afraid you were confirming it. I repeat: phew.
I really hope you're referring to "take back Vermont", the thankfully ill-fated anti-civil union campaign from 2000, and not any newer campaign facilitating Vermont's intolerant underbelly?
There are a lot of us! #NotAllVermonters