daily time spent debating politics on gizmodo: 6.8 hours
daily time spent debating politics on gizmodo: 6.8 hours
It’s obvious you have no direct experience with the private sector. Your cute little formula might apply to some cut-throat industries, but for 90% of companies, it is not the case.
“When streets in Times Square were closed as part of its pedestrian plaza conversion, it improved vehicular congestion.”
Paracelsus never stopped hating those Fuggers. Ultimately, he found out that Jacob’s mother contracted Syphilis; at first he felt vindicated, though in later years, he sympathized with that mother Fugger.
He should be careful; the agenda for promoting human rights is a very dangerous one. Good thing we have people like you to monitor these radicals.
It’s moderately disingenuous to preach the perils of religiously-mandated genital mutilation when you’re still part of that religion.
It is not easy, but it is 100% possible to convert to Orthodox Judaism. It’s a simple google search away.
Not true; conversion to Judaism is possible.
Judaism does not proselytize nor do they have conquests to gather converts.
To accept the fact that not all religions are equal, and some are in fact more violent than others, would completely undermine the entire foundation upon which the leftist-liberals build their agenda.
You’re right; instead of listening to the biased black guy who complains that the police target him more often others, we should listen to the non-biased white guy who lives in Oklahoma.
political correctness has evolved to such an extreme that now we discredit people and their life experiences.
2015 was definitely the year of the gut bacteria
He laughs now as he arrogantly pushes it away, but wait until Fley get’s the thermal imaging sensor, 5000% battery boost, and lethal injection attachment.
If a unit of soldiers changed their mission to a different city, solely because of intel that suggested that Bergdahl may be held captive there, then that satisfies my conditions. And that is precisely what happened.
It seems to me that you have no clue how the military works.
Let’s apply some very basic logic here.
It’s pretty well-established that they were looking for him.
I’m sorry but I have to move on now. Good luck with your emotions
good one, bro