What is it about the actions of the Democratic Party over the last 20 years that makes you think they’re capable of grand plans?
What is it about the actions of the Democratic Party over the last 20 years that makes you think they’re capable of grand plans?
My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression…
It’s not about a ghost in the sky. It’s about finding strength, cleaning house, and helping others. If you do those things, however you find them, you can get better. (And I, for one, put my higher power in a couple of pill bottles - do they make me feel better? Yes. Do I fully understand them? No. Do they make it…
I’m an atheist in AA who goes to meetings that are principally filled with other atheists and agnostics who have very figurative and unique conceptions of their higher powers not founded in any sort of dogmatic religion. Different programs and different solutions work for different people. I’m happy people no matter…
This is me every day.
“...not to mention blaming Jews for economic failure is precisely a tactic used in Nazi Germany during Hitler’s rise to power.”
Wait. What did Tiffany do except make a way for their customers to get to their store? They paid for those barricades and should be allowed to make that clear. The other stores have the same option.
I definitely started excessively researching Octavia Spencer’s possible involvement with Love Actually for 3 minutes...and then I kept scrolling.
I think he was performing at the Super Bowl one year and my super cynical father took a moment from bashing whatever it was he was bashing and stared at the screen in silence for the the remainder of his performance. When Bruno was done, all my dad said was, “wow, that guy is talented”.
Kate has a whole series on Wuthering Heights and they’re amazing!
Try this:
She hasn’t changed who she is almost 40 years and she’s not going to.
Jesus Christ, she is exhausting but not in a fun way.
I get that in general, I’m just not sure the criticism is warranted against Davis. They’re extrapolating from one quote how she feels about her entire experience... I don’t think that’s possible.
I am SO GLAD I clicked on that! That was awesome.
<quietly deletes @CastrateMenNow channels>
Yeah, he’s a weird scapegoat in this saga. Flash back a week and a half ago and there were people all over the internet (including on this family of websites) writing pieces about how he was being way too bullish about Trump’s chances. Now, we’re blaming him for not being bullish enough...
I am trying to put together a list of companies that donated to DT in order to not shop with them, and list of companies that donated the other way, so my dollars go to support business with some kind of conscience.
He’s impeachment proof. Get rid of him and you have President Pence.