
I think they were saying “Boo-urns”!

Ted Cruz’s cuddle partner?

This is fairly old news and has been discussed in length on this website before. With links and interviews. I remember because apparently I’m one of the few who think the Chipper and Joanna have horrid taste. Their design aesthetic is so formulaic it seems bizarre. They aren’t decorators they only do one look.

Wait...isn’t Christianity based on some Jewish guy? What was his name? Remember, he had that blue car?

Self absorbent guys arent all bad. You can use them to clean wine spills.

Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.

So how can he have a plan if no one told him life was gonna be this way?

As a child who was repeatedly force by her mother to hug random adults, I very much approve of this message. I read an article (forgot where) that said that parents’ forcing their children to hug others is the first lesson into the demolition of a sense of security and learning that their body is not their own. And

It’s supposed to terrify ignorant people, but it actually is just terrifying how ignorant these powerful men are. We need better public schools, with comprehensive health classes and sex education, and we need more rational women in government to take the place of doofuses, misogynists, and religious extremists.


Lady Gaga is a musician. Madonna is a performer. Dismissing Gaga’s musical talent over her (weaksauce) gimmicks is missing out on her serious pipes and musical training. Madonna can’t sing for shit and never could.

I’m getting concerned about all these reports of women being cajoled into not finishing their bathroom business by the biased media elite...

We are so grateful in the UK that you knocked Brexit to the “And finally...” section of the 2016 history books.

“America: Singlehandedly Making Brexit Look Not So Bad On The ‘Fucking Disaster’ Scale”

Now playing

So...I don’t watch this baking show. But I do feel compelled to leave this classic Moss clip, which I feel describes the current election season and my response to it.

You know where I’m grey?

While I don’t find Howard Stern entertaining or amusing in the slightest, and have never listened to more than about half an hour of one show, I think the key difference is that Stern knowingly makes his crude comments for their entertainment value whereas Trump is dead serious.

Where were you twenty years ago when people were mad about Stern? 

Stern, ironically, has become one of the best interviewers in the country. Way, way different from where he was 20 years ago.

Because his supporters are different than Mitt and Gore’s. They don’t care about his terrible behavior because either they approve of it or they’re too busy being angry at Hillary and modern America.