I am so fucking embarrassed. This election has turned into a fucking sideshow. We are voting to elect the leader of the free world. What in the fuck happened to us? This is the lowest point in American political history.
I am so fucking embarrassed. This election has turned into a fucking sideshow. We are voting to elect the leader of the free world. What in the fuck happened to us? This is the lowest point in American political history.
Meh. She inserted herself in the narrative. You lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Hopefully this will be a learning experience.
Yeah, the little sister is great. I love how happy she is for her sister.
Seriously, the lil sister’s squeally happiness and triumph at the surprise was super excellent. I believe my wizened heart may have grown 3 sizes this day.
Yeah, I wish I’d had a little sister like that growing up. She’s SO vicariously happy just anticipating how happy her sister is going to be that she can’t even contain herself. That’s just so lovely.
I love how happy she is and how happy her little sister is for her. Even the cat is happy (for like 5 seconds).
I’m not a fan of any type of a woman who so poorly represents Bernie supporters as deranged and women as irrational. *Also* would rather support Trump than Hillary and went on a #NeverHillary campaign. No thank you! Go back to your ping pong crazy sue.
Lots of people see NastyGal as some sort of form of women’s economic liberation, but it should never be forgotten or understated: it was still a business. In the end it was a fashion company that sold clothes, and fashion changes by the year and in unpredictable ways. We can look back at decades past and say “how did…
As a Canadian, I care a ton about the royals. Why? because without the monarchy, we’d all be french. For that simple reason alone, they deserve my attention even if they are nothing more than figure heads these days.
I think it’s more this cute couple that seems really nice and their adorable kids, not that we’re all bowing to the Royal Family of Great Britain.
A lot of us feminists have kids, and we like seeing other people’s adorable kids.
EYEROLL God can’t we just enjoy them? Not everything is an injustice. #sojezebel #thisiswhypeoplehateus
I’d love it a lot more if I though it would appeal to the average undecided voter in Colorado and Pennsylvania.
This hater and loser hasn’t even met Donald Trump, doesn’t even have a country anymore. Wasn’t able to negotiate a good deal with China. Sad!
I have only one request for a car “for ladies”-- a place to put my fucking purse that’s not the passengers seat! How hard is that?
So......I am really pulling for Rob and Chy. I dated someone who had clinical depression and went through the ups and downs just like Rob. It was incredibly tumultuous and we fought very often. Watching their show is like reliving that relationship. When things were good, they were fucking great but when they were…
You mean Rocket Power from nickelodeon?
Is it okay if I- white, straight, male- play this game, too? Because I like it!
I’m still tripping on “me and Winnie”. I hope this girl isn’t going to be an English major.
Right, its the fault of the police that his parents are gigantic pieces of shit.