what about your other parents?
what about your other parents?
Why Ivanka? She's a fucking collaborator. There is no reason to feel bad for that privileged white woman who knows exactly what she's doing.
No. She is the worst. It’s one thing to be a flaming racist narcissist; that’s a condition that requires self-awareness to correct, and if there’s one thing a narcissist doesn’t have, it’s that. So, Donald is evil, but I expect nothing more from him.
They got divorced 4 years after the movie and had been married for 23 years. It's probably more complicated than you make it out in this comment
I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.
I LOATHED Sarah. I actually can’t think of a book I’ve disliked more. I thought it was precious, pretentious crap — overwritten, shallow misery porn that read like bad slash fiction and had no underlying message beyond “Look how deep I am and how much I have suffered!” I was — and am — baffled by adulation it received.
She buys groceries?! I assumed her sustenance came from turning her head 180 degrees and eating the face of her partner during copulation.
In a “humble” but stylish apartment that she lives in by herself but is normally $2000 a month.
We must both be enlightened because I agree that both sides have valid points. You can both be sensitive of the very real needs of people suffering from PTSD and the institutional issues that “safe spaces” are supposed to assuage, but that’s a very different thing from running away from subject matter or discussions…
As a college professor I can only speak from my experience and here it is: trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to. In legit cases (such as a veteran fresh from Afghanistan who didn’t want to watch a segment of Band of…
I don’t get the Taylor hate. She is annoyingly positive, talented(not really my cup of tea but still), polite, great to her fans and donates to a ton of money to worthy causes in obscene amounts. And as far as I know she has never been arrested? Sadly it’s on Jez that I see that most Taylor hate too 😕
The people of Louisiana probably don’t care if it is for publicity or to rehab her image or whatnot. They’ll take it.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
Money and PTSD. My twins spent months in the NICU, one with multiple birth defects, and now, almost 5 years later, we are still struggling to pay all of the medical bills. I know I have triggers the take me right back to almost losing them, but I've been able to seek help and have a great support system in dealing…
This is why I only fly Trump airlines. No Muslims, Mexicans, disabled people, or crying babies to have to worry about. And they cut holes in the pillow cases so you can see out of them when you wear them as a hood, too!
Family Circus and Marmaduke are two of the worst things in human history, non-murder/war division.
This is a beautiful and touching story. But I also want to see the transcript of this wedding, because you know he said some very Uncle Joe-ish stuff.
i lived in sober living for about a year and a half after getting out of treatment (“managing” the house for about 8 of those months). the best choice i could have made for myself and my sobriety
I’m trying to figure out how they justify that allowing employees to drink at work to the point of needing a Uber contributes to “employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention, and an investment that builds long term value”