
I am a newspaper designer. I have worked under crazy deadlines on the east coast. So I know the thinking behind using the photo of the news as the main slash/centerpiece to hold that page, i.e. Bernie and Bill Clinton. I’ve also been the designer not happy with the photo given to me by the photo editor because it

That’s nothing. I almost ended up in New Jersey.

Exactly. Was thinking this the whole way through the article. Trump is interesting. Who gives a fuck. (Or, who should care.) I want the smartest fucking person in the room with a half-decent moral compass and the ability to manage people. Anything else is gravy.

Competent is what we need in government. “Interesting” has gotten us Trump.

I know that when I’m hiring someone for my own company, my first inquiry is not “are you competant? Are you qualified?” Instead it’s “are you interesting??”

So Hillary made her choice for VP. The key word there? She made HER choice, and I for one am thrilled. Kaine is a great guy and will make a strong addition to the ticket.

This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.

Let’s be honest. Most Americans can’t even speak English correctly and still criticize foreigners.

“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”

This is a wonderful piece, and you sound like a great brother. But — as someone who understands the power of certain words, and how they’re used, you should get this — I wish you hadn’t used the phrase “confined to a wheelchair” multiple times. My wheelchair doesn’t have straps or locks that keep me from moving;


Oh come off it, he took plenty of photos of people from all walks of life. I know many, many people who have been photographed by him and non of them are rich. They’re artists or punks with a jazz age flavor or gorgeous trans women. They just all have good style, that's all. He was lovely man who appreciated good

If she knew what he was planning, she’s complicit. I have a learning disability. I didn’t know it absolved me of accessory to murder.

Never let her go, Australia.

Nothing “works” to keep someone sober. You work to be sober. There are tools that help. You know what doesn’t “work”? Not trying.

I’d like to let anyone reading this know that there are AA meetings across every town and country at every time of day. You don’t have to pay any money to attend a meeting or even give anyone your real name. All it costs you is an hour (sometimes an hour and a half) of your time.

How many films are there where the disabled person decides to live? How many films address the context (political, social, economic) of why someone might choose to die? Context matters here.

Had forgotten he existed and now I’m sad.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.