
The entire country saw a bunch of asshat losers try to overthrow the government and 4 years later large swaths either deny that happened or openly say it was a great thing.

There are plenty of places in the U.S. where saying orange man bad is indeed a courageous act (I suspect you may live in one), but I’d agree that it wouldn’t be courageous for Alex Garland to say it. It also wouldn’t be courageous for him to say water is wet, but I’d still find it strange if he refused to acknowledge

The most unbelievable aspect to me is the idea a significant number of American minds can be changed by the power of the press and honest reporting. I think we’ve burned that bridge.

Garland: Politics should just be about reasonable people rationally debating the issues.

I think it’s interesting to contemplate whether Garland’s British-ness is an important consideration, here. Britain has been remarkably resistant to fully committing to any ideology or government type. They clipped the monarchy’s nuts, but not completely, and didn’t get rid of it. They clipped the House of Lords’

If this is the message you wanted to send, be civil, then that should be the point of the film. Not centered on a journalist’s journey to the White House as the Texifornia army encircles D.C.* — It should be about how the two sides put aside their differences and take decisive action against a fascist leader. It’s

I really fucking hate fence sitters. Garland routinely puts his foot in his mouth, I remember him also saying some shit about “refusing to participate” when people asked him about casting Cailee Spaeny as a biological male in Devs and if he was trying to convey any kind of trans representation.

Richard III isn't political guys, trust me.

Those who sit on the fence merely get impaled.

Just need to listen... well good sir Trump was in my state yesterday saying immigrants are not human and a guy running for Congress dropped out for saying paraolympic performers are still fucking r*******. Also the several congressman have said I’m a worthless disease that needs to be eliminated. That’s just Ohio.

Right. But he did MAKE a choice. He CHOSE to set it in a country with highly partisan rhetoric, lots of armed jagoffs, a free press routinely under attack moreso now than ever before, etc. Holding him responsible for that artistic choice is not asking much.

If he didn’t have anything to say about America, and he’s seeing “the same stuff happening” in Britain, then I don’t understand why he set it in America. I think he could have better avoided people mapping their political views onto his story if he just made up a country, or used analogs of American cities and states

Garland explained that it’s about political divisiveness in general and our insistence on ‘talking and not listening.’ He said there are politicians and people in the media ‘on both sides of the divide’ who are ‘wonderful’ and that ‘left and right are ideological arguments about how to run a state’ and nothing

Well you’ll find both sides doing it today.

Shakespeare made the same claim about his War of the Roses series. “Nah, nothin’ to do with present-day England, nothin’ at all.”

So basically the exact same bullshit the guy behind Three Billboards threw out when people called him out on making a movie with the message that racists can be perfectly decent people.

Alex Garland, “both siding” political violence and domestic terrorism

I miss when companies let people run their own servers from the word go.

Because people unfortunately associate accuracy with the number of followers and not the quality of the information. 90% of the car or construction/real estate-related (the two areas in which I have lots of expertise) tiktok hacks that my wife or friends send me are complete bullshit and more than half the

I will of course wait for reviews.... but man... Gameloft? Instant turn off. They honestly did better with DLV than I’d expected, but still not what I’d want for an FR game.

Good luck to them, but I doubt they can manage to ever make a game that isn’t riddled with IAP. It’s kind of their thing.