Because with as many people buying these games as there are, such people clearly need a reminder.
Because with as many people buying these games as there are, such people clearly need a reminder.
Yeah, no. Stuff like that was already well known as a company perk long before Kotick ever got his greasy little hands on Blizzard.
I’d argue that syn Sophia’s actual best known works are the WCW and WWF games they made for the N64, especially No Mercy.
Well... either those or the Style Savvy series, if you’re not a macho bro.
If it’s that the battery will get replaced before the auction, I’ve got to ask: Why wait? Why not just say that the car will need to have its battery replaced by the new owner? It’ll reduce the selling price, sure, but I’d expect only by about as much as the replacement requires in the first place.
Removing the on-foot combat and parkour might have been acceptable, if the on-foot parts were excised entirely. Walking around looking for stuff on wrecks or around to shops in town is boring as fuck, and only distracts from the ship stuff.
And NOT following the advice could result in explosions. So, you know, buzz off.
Most gas stations around me (in Southern California) let you enter from either direction and don’t have hoses long enough to cross over to the other side of the car. Whatever pump you go to, you just enter in the correct direction
I think most of Britain is sick of her.
There are people hoping that Ryan Gosling loses at the Oscars, specifically because Gerwig and Robbie didn’t get nominated. I’m not sure those people actually watched Barbie. Probably were in the room while it was playing, yeah. But they certainly weren’t paying attention.
Well, Kinja just broke a little bit more apparently. Profile pics have all bitten the dust, replaced with the default generics.
Can’t devs just use VAC? People like to complain that cheaters don’t get banned immediately, but it still works and it doesn’t break Linux support.
I’d like to not have to think about MrBeast anymore.
It’s always seemed to me that most bigotry in Japan has been passive-aggressive, not active. Yamato Japanese people (that is, the supremacist racist jerks) never bring out the torches and pitchforks, but they’ll make it clear in the subtext they say that you’re not welcome in their presence, or their businesses. Or…
For those who prefer YouTube video embeds (because, for example, they’re less likely to get removed over time):
Also, Sega itself isn’t a “pure” Japanese company, having been founded by Americans (in the 40s or 50s depending on your point of view) and owned by Gulf & Western from 1969 to 1984.
Between the original Xbox’s controller being huge literally because of racism, Japanese gamers bashing the Xbox because of its being not-Japanese, and Sony repeatedly getting no-Xbox deals with the biggest Japanese developers (most notably Square Enix)? Yeah, it’s far more than just “Microsoft can’t sell to…
It wasn’t so big a surprise for me. I mean, it’s a Bethesda game. Modders have been making the fun for decades.
It was a (bad) default setting on the Xbox. They didn’t choose to record those, they just let the Xbox have the default settings it wanted, and the Xbox recorded them on its own.
failed so spectacularly“But after battling Nintendo for supremacy for decades, Sega fumbled the lead with the Dreamcast, which that it dragged the company out of the console war entirely.”