
With regards to animation, though, the category was created specifically to avoid having “kids’ stuff” getting nominated for Best Picture. And it’s mostly worked, Up notwithstanding.

The Pirate Bay and RARBG are the ones that win.

Ah, so you’re talking capitalism vs (literal, dictionary-definition) fascism.

No because they were all based around working for the sake of the big state personality (Lenin then Stalin, Mao, Kim, Castro, etc.) which isn’t left-wing communism, it’s right-wing fascism.

My answer on what the soul is? Experimentation. For better and for worse. FFII had the no-EXP system, III had the job system. IV had ATB. VI through VIII played with setting, and VIII itself had the GFs. X went back to turn-based, and XI tried online. XII moved its battles into walkabout and meddled with customizable

Eliminate “Right to work” laws nationwide. They’re oxymoronic (read: fraudulent) pieces of junk that let employers do whatever the fuck they want and remove employee protections.
Then ban union-busting (with punishment starting at the union vote automatically passing). The resulting employment contracts will almost

The more I hear about this game, the more I hope it ends up being a relative flop. I mean, not XIV Version 1 levels. More... Lightning Returns compared to the prior two XIII games. (Mind you, I liked XIV Version 1, though I do get what people hated about it. And I like XIII and XIII-2 and don’t get the haters on that.

The West has not been exposed to nearly enough Xi You Ji/Saiyuki stories, and it’s a travesty that Enslaved, an extremely rare Western-made Saiyuki and an excellent one at that (especially for its budget), has gotten almost zero exposure and love.

I would argue that there’s actually a second: a right cross to the face.

The fact that getting to the Explain XKCD wiki’s page for any given comic is literally as simple as adding “explain” before “xkcd” helps make one of the best webcomics out there even better.

Scott Adams strikes me as someone who always struggled to fit in and never caught on that he was the problem.

Links don’t work right in Kinja and haven’t for a few years. Might wanna put the URL in plaintext.

Unity wasn’t the mistake, so much as Unity in AAA dev is.

More likely it’s grabbing inside info that you wouldn’t normally have, like enemy locations. Basically eliminating the Fog of War.

“My moronic racist protestor, some hotshot!”

Who needs paint? I just want them (primarily the first three) to work in fullscreen without screwing up my Windows session. (Desktop icons, open windows and their positions, the graphics driver, etc.)

I am a lib.

Eh, ok, fair. That’s a bit of a mistargeting. It’s really meant at the kind of jerks she cites. But I’m still very much disinclined to listen to people who ignore other Black women (especially Black trans women) who explain why they’re fine with #SayHerName being used for Brianna Ghey, and don’t give a fuck about

The reason Brits are using “#SayHerName” is because their media IS LITERALLY AVOIDING SAYING HER NAME. They are deadnaming Ghey. The Times edited their article to remove her name as soon as they learned that Brianna Ghey was trans. So mother fucking miss me with this bullshit.

Here. Yet more analysis of the evidence that Rowling is a fucking transphobic bigot, that other transphobic bigots are going to either publicly ignore (and privately agree with) or claim doesn’t mean anything.